What exactly does a pro organizer do?

A professional organizer is an expert in decluttering and arranging material items in a practical and beautiful manner. Think of me as a combination of coach and consultant as I help you get to the root of disorganization and implement systems to maintain a curated space so you can spend your precious time, money, and energy on what truly matters in life—rather than hunting for your keys, buying duplicate items, and feeling the drain of disarray.

What is your organizing method? 

While I do not strictly adhere to the KonMari method, my philosophy aligns closely with Marie Kondo’s process of choosing items that “spark joy” to keep rather than focusing on what to give up. I am happy to follow your lead, however, and we can take it slow and share stories of your possessions, power through clutter with lattes, or have an organizing party with a fun playlist. I trend towards minimalism in my personal life but I love functional maximalism, hygge, and the principles of feng shui.

How can i work with you?

Email me directly at hello@dynamic-order.com or fill out a contact form to schedule a brief discovery call to discuss your goals for your space. The next step is a complimentary consultation in your home (or virtually, in some cases) so I can begin the planning process for your customized organizing solutions and we can book a session or package that meets your needs. I am currently booking out 4-6 weeks in advance.

Payment in full is due upfront at the close of the consultation. I accept cash, check, Venmo/PayPal, and all major credit cards.

what areas do you serve?

I regularly work in Central MA within 40 miles of Worcester. If you live outside my radius, feel free to reach out and we can discuss travel, or consider my Virtual Organizing packages and DIY Plans.

How long will this take? 

This is my favorite question! My typical in-home sessions are 3 hours long to allow us to make headway on your project without physical and emotional fatigue. I am not able to provide an exact estimate until we have begun working together due to the many variables that affect the project completion, including your decision-making process, but the initial discovery phone call and in-home or virtual consultation will give me a good sense of how many sessions we will likely need to accomplish your goals. As we build a working relationship, we will become a more efficient organizing team, and you will find it easier to determine what fits into the vision you have for your home.

Do I need to be present for sessions? What do I need to do to prepare?

You do not! After the consultation, you do have the option to have me do the sorting and styling for you while you attend to other aspects of your busy life. I will never toss anything without your express permission, but I will make piles of suggestions for you. If you want to do some work on your own, I will assign “homework” between sessions.

Don’t worry about picking up. I want to see your space how it is on a daily basis. Please do make arrangements to contain pets safely, obtain childcare, secure any firearms on the property, and bring your full focus to our time together (unless I am working solo). I will send text and email reminders along with a pre-session questionnaire to help you get ready for my arrival. Finally, it is helpful to have a cleared-off “staging area” for sorting items such as a table/folding table or bed (I will bring a sheet to lay down and protect your furniture).

Will you clean my house?

I am not a cleaning service, but I can help you spot clean empty shelves, drawers, and other spaces (with your own supplies) as we go. It often works well to schedule appointments with a house cleaner after organizing sessions (or once a project is complete) as tidy spaces allow for ease of cleaning.

Will you organize my spouse/CHILD’S things? 

Yes, if the person in question is present for the session and on board with the process! If not, we will focus on your items and let the results speak for themselves. I am happy to work with couples or the whole family.


I have two wonderful organizers on my team who help make the process go smoothly and quickly. Please note there is a charge per organizer as we work doubly efficient as a team, so you will get twice the “woman hours” devoted to your project. We will discuss whether it makes sense to bring on multiple organizers during your consultation.

I feel embarrassed about hiring an organizer, like I should be able to do this all myself.

It takes trust and vulnerability to allow a stranger into your home. Dynamic Order is a 100% confidential service: I take your privacy seriously, and I come to you without judgment.

Some people don’t work out without a personal trainer, and some don’t organize without me! I like to think of it like getting your nails done. Sure, you can do it at home, but there is absolutely no shame in hiring a pro to pamper you with an expert perspective and personal attention. I just so happen to have a brain inclined toward organization, and I recognize that most folks do not operate like this!

Finally, besides the hours I am physically working on your project, my organizing packages include customized written plans for maintaining your space, text + email support, solutions for trash/donations, recommendations and/or personal shopping for organizing product, and coordinating with other service providers such as handymen. My aim is to be your “easy button” for all things organizing.

What are the benefits of buying a package of sessions?

While a single 3-hr session may be enough to tackle a small space such as a closet, many rooms such as kitchens, basements, and garages require at least a few sessions to fully declutter, organize, containerize, and go over systems of maintenance. My calendar fills up quickly, so the main advantage of a package is that all of your sessions will be scheduled at once to keep up our momentum. You will receive a 10% discount for booking 4 or more sessions, and a 20% discount for booking 12 or more sessions. I will assess your goals and recommend a package during your complimentary in-home consult. Of course, you have the final say, and you are always welcome to start with one session to see the magic of home organizing in action before committing to a package!


My personal accounts may pop up once you have my number saved. I do try to keep business separate, so while I love getting to know all of my clients in person I do not accept friend/follow requests. I welcome you to keep in touch via my business Facebook page and Instagram, however! Thank you for understanding.

Please see my Terms of Service for more detailed information.